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Built-in Washing machines from Hotpoint

At Hotpoint, our selection of integrated (built-in) washing machines provides a reliable and efficient solution for modern homes. We combine advanced technology and sleek designs to help you find the best integrated washing machine for your home.

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Integrated Washing Machines

8 Products

Introducing Integrated washing machines by Hotpoint

Our selection of integrated (built-in) washing machines provides a reliable and efficient solution for modern homes. We combine advanced technology and sleek designs to help you find the best integrated washing machine for your home.

Integrated washing machine capacities

Our fully integrated washing machines offer a variety of drum capacities that cater to your specific laundry needs. Whether you're tackling a mountain of clothes or need to put on a quick load, our machines have you covered. With larger capacities, you can significantly reduce the number of loads, saving both time and energy. We have machines with 7kg, 8kg and 9kg drum capacities on offer.

Our top built-in washing machine features

In addition to delivering fresh, clean and stain-free laundry, our range offers large capacity models ranging from 7kg to 9kg integrated washing machines to suit your family needs. They are featured with great technology including quick wash, anti-stain programmes, steam hygiene, Stop&Add, and much more. Our front loader built-in washing machines are gentle on your fabrics, ultra-quiet, and come with great pre-set programs that take the guesswork out of each load.

Hotpoint’s integrated washing machine technologies

Our integrated washing machines contain a range of technologies to elevate your experience. Specialised stain removal technology targets stubborn marks whilst the rapid wash programmes use high-speed spin cycles and detergent distribution methods, to reduce washing times without compromising performance.

If you have decided that an integrated washing machine isn’t what you’re looking for, then take a look at our full range of washing machine appliances or use our washing machine buying guide for further information and guidance.

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