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How to organise your fridge freezer

Article in: How Tos & Hacks - June 2024
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How to organise your fridge freezer

From long-forgotten leftovers to wilted veggies, we can all wish our fridge or freezer was a little more organised from time to time. The amount of food waste produced by households globally is astonishing, and the majority of that which gets thrown away is still edible. By maintaining a food storage system that works for you, you’ll reduce your household’s food waste, make the most of your space, and maybe even become inspired to cook delicious new recipes too! 

Fridge organisation tips

If you’re wondering how to organise your fridge to better make use of the space available and the food you have, there are a number of handy hacks you can implement to make it easier. 


  1. Clean the shelves and dispose of expired food - giving yourself a blank canvas from which to start is a great way to start your fridge organisation. Seeing everything you have will make it easier to create a shopping list – preventing you from duplicating items, helping to save money, and reduce food waste.
  2. Create an ‘eat me first’ basket or shelf – creating a dedicated space for leftovers or produce with a shorter shelf life will remind you to look there first when preparing meals.
  3. Keep food in the correct temperature zone – different areas of the fridge have different temperatures and storing itemsthings in the right environment keeps them fresher for longer. Find out more about where to store your family’s essential food items down below.
  4. Clever herb hack - did you know that storing herbs in a damp tea towel makes them last longer? Cooking with fresh ingredients makes for a delicious dish, so the tea towel trick can help them last longer. 

Freezer organisation tips

Care for your frozen food so it can be used another day with these tips on how to organise your freezer.

  1. Portion out your food - freeze batch-cooked meals and leftovers in usable portions to ensure you don’t have to defrost more than you need. Smaller portions can also fit in smaller areas of your freezer, using all food storage space available.
  2. Label freezer bags and containers – clearly labelling the contents of your containers makes it easy to keep stock of what you have and prevents produce and leftovers from being forgotten.
  3. Decant duplicates and bin bulky packaging – decanting duplicates into single bags and eliminating bulky packaging will free up space and prevent any stray bags of peaschips or vegetables  from getting lost at the back of the freezer.
  4. Regularly defrost – the build-up of ice can take up precious food storage space in your appliance, so defrosting means more space for your favourite meals. Defrosting is nobody’s favourite task, but luckily there are fridge freezers with Total No Frost technology

How to store food in your fridge freezer

Can you put hot food in the fridge?

To prevent bacteria growth, avoid leaving food out for longer than two hours after cooking - then it can be covered and refrigerated for later. In contrast, don't place piping hot food into the fridge straight away because large batches can raise the temperature inside the appliance, which will waste energy especially if there isn’t much room for cold air to circulate. By allowing your food to cool slightly first, you can ensure your leftovers are kept fresh and reduce the chance of bacteria spoiling your favourite foods. 

How to store fruit and vegetables in the fridge freezer

Whilst some foods like bananas, onions, and potatoes are happiest on a countertop or in a cupboard, a lot of fresh produce is best kept in a cooler environment. Learning how to store fruits and vegetables in your fridge freezer will keep them fresh for longer 

Keep leafy greens, berries, and vegetables prone to wilting in the crisper drawer, which because it is this food storage area is designed to keep moisture in. Certain foods that rot and produce ethylene gas – such as apples, pears, and avocados – should be kept separate from the crisper drawer so that the gases don’t speed up the deterioration of other produce.

Frozen fruits are perfect for smoothies and taste the best if frozen at their ideal ripeness. Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and sprouts can be frozen and are a handy and healthy addition to many family meals. However, veggies with a high water content - such as lettuce and celery - can become soggy when thawed and are best eaten fresh from the fridge.

How to store cheese and dairy in the fridge?

When creating a fridge organisation system, remember that dairy products should be sealed and kept between the middle and top of the fridge. Often people store milk in the fridge door for easy access, but this can actually make it expire faster due to the regular exposure to room temperature. Instead, save this space for long-lasting items like condiments and sauces. 

While cheese, milk, and dairy products can be frozen, it is not ideal as the freezing and thawing process can cause changes in texture, or the milk to separate.

How to store meat and fish?

Deli meats and cooked, ready-to-eat foods should be kept between the top and middle shelves of the fridge. Tightly seal raw meat and fish in individual containers toward the bottom of the refrigerator to stop dripping and cross-contamination with other food. Leftovers like cooked chicken can last in the fridge for between three and four days, but they are also suitable for home freezing to keep them for use later.

Freeze meat as soon as possible and ensure it is completely wrapped or vacuum sealed to maintain freshness and prevent harmful bacteria from growing. Before freezing meat, try to portion it off so that your freezer organisation is easier to maintain, and you don’t have to thaw an amount you won’t eat and create unnecessary food waste.

Keep on top of your fridge and freezer organisation and remember how to store food in your fridge freezer with these simple hacks. Say goodbye to needless waste and hello to delicious, well-preserved, fresh food!